These 4 workouts will help detox your body and make you feel brand new!

The idea that doing twists will rinse out my liver like a sponge and make me feel awesome always sounded too good to be true.
In fact, it always sounded like it’s total crap.
My friend, who occasionally enjoys a glass of wine (sometimes a bottle) told me once that when she drinks too much she just twists her body to both sides and then TADA – it’s all gone. Out of her tiny frame system.
That friend can drink A LOT. And that friend is not me. She’s also not an imaginary friend like the one I had in first grade. It’s a real woman.
Now, I cannot stand wine. In fact, I hate alcohol altogether. It doesn’t taste like cake, you know.
What I like, now that I’m (kinda) a grown-up, is exercise. And these days those exercise routines include yoga and pilates. They make me feel like a brand new person, even though I’m super lazy and don’t move away from my exercise mat for 30 min.
You can do these 4 workouts anytime you want, I like the mornings best. They’re also just perfect to go along with mu 3-day detox
Now, I don’t know if these routines were able to rinse out my liver and get all that McDonald’s crap I ate 3 months ago out of my system, but I do know that they made me feel AWESOME. So much better than I felt before.


For these detox workout routines, you pretty much just need a good thick yoga mat like .this one  Nada more